*drum rolls*
HELLO! Welcome to On Our Wings.
This blog is going to have random writing tips, stories, discussions, and anything else I feel like talking about.
Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Remi. I'm participating for the 1st time in NaNoWriMo this year. I've done Camp twice and I've got an inspiring group of friends, the Chritenos. I'm wacky, I love to laugh, and I'm too lazy to hit the 'shift' button sometimes so I hit 'caps lock' instead. Heeeheee.
You are probably wondering about the title. "But Remi, why On Our Wings?" I'm glad you asked! On Our Wings is the tentative title of my NaNoWriMo novel this year. For me, it symbolizes challenges, fun, and magic. And who doesn't love that?
Let's talk about NaNoWriMo for a second (but only for a second, 'cause I'm scatterbrained ^-^). NaNo (short for National Novel Writing Month) is a tediously fun endeavor in which a person has to write 50,000 words in 30 days. You can check it out here:
And you can check my profile out here:
Since this is my first year, I will be posting about NaNo once it comes, and probably in October too. Until then, I hope you enjoy my ramblings!
(If anyone knows how to download GIFs onto a mac, please let me know. I have no clue how. XD).